made Simple

Businesses launched, so far.
Founders helped,
so far.
In capital deployed, so far.

Launching & Funding 24 Businesses in 2024.

Join us on our mission to revolutionize entrepreneurship.

We Unlock Founders

Every groundbreaking business begins with a bold vision. At NineOneSix, we turn the daring dreams of founders into formidable market realities. By providing a wealth of tools, resources, and expert guidance, we empower entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of business growth and make a lasting impact. Join us in a movement where innovation thrives and every challenge is an opportunity for success.

We Grow Businesses

With a robust ecosystem designed to nurture growth, we transform ambitious startups into thriving enterprises. Our strategic support covers every angle, from financial scaffolding to technology and market positioning, ensuring that the businesses we partner with are built on solid foundations and poised for lasting impact.

How we do it

Our approach is a blend of strategy and support, delivering custom solutions across finance, law, tech, and marketing to turn entrepreneurial visions into successful enterprises.

What our founders are saying

Lauren Gerardi
"They made things so simple"
NineOneSix streamlined our journey, demystifying capital raising and technology integration, making what seemed complex remarkably simple and profoundly effective.
Robert Edwards
EcoVolt Exteriors
“NineOneSix takes care of everything!”
They took care of everything, so all I have to do is show up and power wash!